
"Vlaamse Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde" (VVS) Biennial Congress for Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences

The “Vlaamse Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde“ (VVS) is proud to announce its first Biennial Congress for Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences organised in cooperation with Brucosport, Limco-sport and the Flemish universities. The first edition will take place on 20 March 2010 at the new facilities of KHBO in Brugge.


We opted for amultidisciplinary approach with discussion of science, physiology, physiotherapy and sports medicine, orthopaedic surgery, revalidation, radiology, cardiology but also nutrition and mental aspects.

The first congress will give an update on OVERUSE in all its aspects i.e. from basic science to invasive therapy and from tendon to nutrition.

The Preliminary Programme is available at www.vvsport.be and can be downloaded from here.


Deadline 30 November 2009
We look forward to receiving your scientific contributions on one of the Congress topics: muscle overuse, tendon and ligament overuse, cartilage and bone overuse, physical overuse, mental overuse and drugs and nutrition overuse.

The guidelines and online form are available at:

REGISTRATION - Early Bird Deadline 31 January
It is already possible to register at the early bird fee.

The online registration form is available at: http://www.flexmax.eu/clients/medicongress/reg/vvs2010/

We look forward to welcoming you the Biennial Congress for Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences!

Yours sincerely, 
Prof.Dr. Jan Gielen