FIMS Individual or Associate membership is open to any health professional who:

FIMS Individual or Associate membership is open to any health professional who:

  • is in possession of a doctoral degree in medicine or a related science or
  • has completed a FIMS approved course in Sports Medicine or
  • has worked in the field of Sports Medicine for at least 5 years

If you fulfill any of these criteria, it is really easy to become a FIMS Individual or Associate member and receive the benefits immediately.


Steps to become a member

Step 1:

In order to check your eligibility to become an Individual or Associate member, please send copies of the following information and documentation to us at, in order to attest that you meet the criteria to become a FIMS member:

  • ID (with Contact Information/ Address/ City / Zip Code / Country)
  • Diploma/ Degree
  • Certificates
  • Profession/Field in Sports Medicine
  • FIMS member National Association (if any)
  • Institution (if any)
  • Proof of having worked in the field of Sports Medicine for at least 5 years

Your candidature will be reviewed and you will be informed if you are eligible for membership. Please allow up to two months for the review process. Once you have received the confirmation of your eligibility, please proceed to Step 2 – Payment (see below).

Step 2 - Payment

There are two payment options:

Option 1: Applying online to become a FIMS Individual or Associate member:

First, just confirm with your National Sports Medicine Association that you are not eligible for the FIMS National Association block membership option (see Option 2 below). If not, or you reside in a country where there is no National Sports Medicine Association, or where the National Sports Medicine Association has not yet decided to subscribe its members to FIMS as a group, then you can apply immediately using the on-line application and payment procedure.

Cost: 1 year - 60 CHF |  2 years - 100 CHF

Apply online

Option 2:
 Becoming a FIMS Individual or Associate member through a block subscription by your FIMS National Association membership:

You can also obtain FIMS Individual/Associate membership status if you are an existing member of any FIMS National Association (click here to see a list of all FIMS National Association members) provided your National Association has made use of the block membership option of FIMS. The application process for FIMS Individual Membership status has been granted to all National Association members, where such a National Association has decided to subscribe all its members or a large subgroup of its members. This "National Association Membership" (see category 2 below for the application of a new National Association as a member of FIMS) is offered at a very low cost per member per annum to such an association.

If you are not sure whether your National Association has made use of this option for you, please contact the Secretary or President of your National Association directly to enquire.

If your National Associations wishes to enquire about this option, the President or Secretary of your National Association should contact the FIMS Treasurer Dr André Debruyne.

Cost: Please enquire
 Email to receive the necessary application forms and further details.



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